Archive | November, 2011

International Students who want help with English

20 Nov
Paloma in Brazil:
Falvia (Brazil) bicycle enthusiast in Germany
Facebook:  ahmad.alzahri Saudi hospital administrator

I spoke to these people by Skype and email:
A teacher in Florianopolis, Brazil:   SKYPE:

Skype: Novinshahroudi

Davitvanyan95 (skype)  16-year-old in Armenia

These are sincere people who have sent me many requests for conversation practice:

From India, living in Birmingham, England:  skype warda12770

Tamara in Brazil:

EGYPT:  eta1232002  an engineer

List of Students who want help with their accent

An Invitation to Directors of Schools

19 Nov
TO:  Directors of high schools in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America
BIB = Building International Bridges
I am a teacher of English language and I work with students at several high schools in Florida.    Many of these students have never visited your country but they dream about traveling … and these students have a skill that many of your students want:  the U.S. accent.
I created a project called “Skype Penpals” (BIB Penpals) to encourage students in the USA to write to and speak with students in other countries.  The U.S. students can become “conversation assistants” to help other students with English language practice.  The U.S. students can also learn some phrases in other languages.
The directors of high schools in the USA believe that it is a good idea to create a “school to school” project.   If you would like your school to participate, please write to:
Steve McCrea, Coordinator
Building International Bridges  (BIB)
BIB Skype Penpals
2314 Desota Drive
Fort Lauderdale, FL  33301
If you prefer, please write to  
I will connect your teachers with teachers in high schools in the USA.
Thank you for your time.



Students of English, practice with each other

19 Nov

If you are learning English, please practice what you learned today.

Call one of the people on this list and use your English. There are hundreds of students who are learning English…and they want to practice with you, too.

If you want to receive email messages and practice speaking on Skype, you can do three things:
a) send your email address to and I’ll put your contact information on the BIB Penpals site.
b) Visit and you can put a comment on a video — you will need a free Youtube account
c) Look at the BIB Penpal List (“Practice english”) and contact someone.

When you see a sign, read it aloud

Frequent Questions
1) “How do I connect with a U.S. person to practice English?” ANSWER: Many U.S. people don’t have time to practice English with you. If you want to wait in line, you can contact a school in the USA and ask to be connected to a teenager who wants to be a “conversation assistant.”

2) “Why do I need to practice English with someone from France or Africa or Brazil?”
ANSWER: More non-native speakers speak English (3 billion people with a variety of accents) than the 450 million native speakers of English. Global economic success with come to people who can communicate with anyone who speaks English. Improve your understanding by practicing English with a variety of accents.


Send me your comments:

BIB Penpals can help you learn new phrases

19 Nov

If you are a U.S. person who wants to learn another language.

If you live in another country and you want to improve your English…

You are in the right place.  BIB Penpals connects students (with the help of parents and teachers).

See a list of students who want to improve their English

The chief tip:  Improve your language skills with Skype, email and social networking.  Does this idea work?Here is a typical result:  John Lipkin, a high school student in 2006 (I tutored him for the SAT), came to my classroom and met Fernando from Colombia, Sezar from Turkey and Karim from Germany.  John gave them conversation practice and was invited to the homes of these students — John visited all of them over the next four years. (Learn more by contacting John BIB Penpals is an opportunity for your child to meet people who will give an “inside tour” of cities – when your child travels, the other student of English will be a local guide.  Some of my U.S. students have traveled around Europe without staying in a hotel.
I invite you to contact me directly with your questions
954 646 8246 mobile
Skype  SteveEnglishTeacher

You have Internet skills:  Facebook, email, how to use Youtube to place a video of your school in easy reach of millions of people…

Why not get some community service hours using those skills to improve the lives of other people?

I am a teacher of English as a second language.  Teenagers from Europe, South America, Africa and Asia come to Florida to improve their accents every summer.  They return to their countries and ask me to find local U.S. teenagers so they can continue to improve their English.

You have what billions of people want:  the U.S. accent.  My students know British English, but they want to speak like you – you will help with “accent reduction.”

If you choose to participate in this helpful mission, there are some rules:
a)    Ask your parents to sit with you during the first contact by Skype.

b)    If you feel uncomfortable, stop the contact and talks with your parents.  ALSO:  report the incident  You should feel respected at every moment of the Skype call and there should be polite disucssions in email and text chat.

c)    Send me a copy of all email messages and Skype chat messages. I will use those records to calculate the hours of volunteer time.

d)    Please request a letter for “confirmation of volunteer hours” once a month.

Message to Parents
For this project to work successfully, your help is needed. Since you are a savvy worldly wise person, you can size up a person who wants to learn English:   Is the person polite?

The people listed on this web page are students that I have taught. I have additional lists of people who have asked for free English lessons but I have not taught them face-to-face. They appear to be sincere people and they are desperate to improve their English.