Archive | September, 2016

Procedures for recording your VOLUNTEER HOURS with BIB Penpals

11 Sep
Here are the procedures for high school students to get volunteer hours
1. Find people to write to in other countries
You can find people on
Look for Steve’s “friends” (former students of English) at on Facebook.  Tell me what country you want to visit someday and I’ll find a student in that country who might want to practice English….
2. Keep records of your email messages and chats.  If you chat on Skype, send a text message at the beginning and end of the chat to show your time involved.
3.  Send records to
THANK YOU.  Here are photos from a country near Turkey.
4. Call +1 954 646-8246 ... if you are under 18 years old, it is a good idea for me to speak with a parent or guardian (an adult in your life) to confirm that this program is non-commercial and that you will be speaking with “good people.”  (I’m on What’sApp, too.)
Best wishes
Thank you for reading so far down the page.
Mr. Steve
954 646 8246
Skype:  SteveEnglishTeacher
You can learn more here

Steve McCrea. +1 (954) 646-8246 mobile.
Skype: SteveEnglishTeacher